A Batch of Patches

Today I’m taking the time to talk about patches! In my blog posts I always forget to write about new products, I tend to focus more on birds because I love talking about how much they inspire me and sharing the photos I take on my adventures. But from time to time I really should mention some of the things I make and sell!

I thought I’d focus on the new patches that I have added to my collection this year so far. It’s honestly such a challenge choosing which birds to make into patches, as I love so many of our birds and picking just one at a time is difficult!

People often ask me ‘why don’t you just make patches of all the birds’ but the truth is that getting the patches made costs a lot of money! So the way I can afford to keep making them is to get a new bird made each month and slowly build up my collection. My patches are made locally in NZ, and I’m sure I could get them made for cheaper from overseas but that’s just not me. I’m all about supporting local and I believe if something can be made locally then that’s definitely the way to go.

Since I’ve added a few new birds to my shop this year I now have quite a big selection of patches available. To make purchasing multiple patches a bit more affordable I have added ‘patch bundles’ to my shop. These bundles mean you can save a few bucks if you can’t choose just one patch!

Fairy Tern Patch

Fairy Tern Patch

Hoiho Patch

Hoiho Patch

Some of these patches are a bit special to me as I’m donating a portion from each sale to a charity. For every Fairy Tern patch sold I’m donating $5 to the New Zealand Fairy Tern Charitable Trust, and for every Yellow-eyed Penguin patch sold I’m donating $5 to the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust. Both of these birds hold a special place in my heart because they are seriously in decline and need all the help they can get. If I can help a little to raise awareness of their challenges and donate a little bit of money I hope that I can inspire others to donate to these causes too.

Little Blue Penguin Patch

Little Blue Penguin Patch

Robin Patch

Robin Patch

These two patches above are my latest additions! I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to make a Robin patch, they’re my all time favourite birds and I absolutely love these little friendly fellows. I was inspired to make a Little Blue Penguin patch after seeing the little cuties in Dunedin earlier in the year. I have already ordered my next patch and I can’t wait until it arrives and I can share it. I hope you enjoyed reading a little bit about my patches, and if you have any suggestion for what bird to make next feel free to get in touch via any of the links below.

x Melissa.